Saturday, December 18, 2010

Brainwashing on Ukranian TV channels is pictured

Media freedom is shrinking in Ukraine, - one if the key trend in Ukrainian media in 2010. Educational campaign, targeted at TV viewers call to use their mind in TV consuming: let you make more interaction with your audience

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Ukrainian journalists and civic activists use Twitter during elections?

In late 2009 early 2010 on the eve of Presidential Elections we came up with idea to use Twitter on covering election process. Twitter is supposed to be the fastest tool to deliver first-hand evidences from witnesses.

We created a platform which accumulate messages. Moreover, we used a set of hashtags to mark messages (tweets). National level reports - with #elect_ua, reports of election fraud - with #elect_sos, regional reports (we had 5 key regions, 10 more joined us later) - by the name of the region - #elect_od for Odessa, #elect_te for Ternopil etc

How did it work? Pls, see presentation:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Magazine for 24 hours - flashmobs by our participants

The most valuable part of MediaNext – our participants. David Brewer describes them as Middle Media. Why middle media? As they come from different areas – professional journalists, sociologists, IT-specialists, bloggers, designers, civic activists. One of the most visible outcome of people who met under MediaNext events was a series of journalists’ flashmobs called Magazine for 24 hours. A team of had to create and publish a magazine (from 28 to 90 pages) in Internet at the end of 24 hour timeline.

Here you are Result 1 and Result 2

Since then, the movement has spread all over Ukraine - during 2009/2010 ten more magazines were created.

Invited guest lectors who visited Ukraine in 2009. David Brewer

David Brewer is a media-consultant from UK, working on educational projects all round the world. Previously David Brewer worked for CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera helping them to launch web-sites.

David runs his blog Media Helping Media, providing with valuable tips for journalists.

David visited Ukraine in November 2009 with guest lecture on Evolution of Media

Invited guest lectors who visited Ukraine in 2009. Piet Bakker

Piet Bakker, media professional from Utrecht University is widely known by his target web-resource Newspaper Innovations. He visited Kyiv with guest lecture in October 2009 and we met him once again in Utrecht in April 2010.

Piet Bakker worked as a journalist for several newspapers, magazines and radio stations and was a teacher at the School for Journalism in Utrecht. He also organized workshops for newspapers publishers, gave lectures and works as a consultant on newspaper innovation.