Monday, December 7, 2009

Take a look in the "Middle"

MediaNext is really all about bringing people together to think and discuss topics around new media. And the whole phenomenon is so, well... new, that we're finding that these discussions often lead to innovative ways of thinking about new media journalism.

In November, Internews Ukraine invited David Brewer to speak at a MediaNext event. Brewer's talk was fascinating. But equally as fascinating was the dynamic group of professionals who found themselves sitting in a room together, considering how best to format their websites, what they would write on their blogs about this, and what they could "tweet" that would have the greatest impact.

After the event, Brewer coined the term "Middle Media," which I suspect will become familiar journalism vernacular before too long. He was referring to the group of people he met that day in Kyiv: a community of bloggers and journalists who have set out to fill the gap between traditional media and social networking.

Middle Media is about providing quality, verified information about things that are overlooked by the big news agencies and getting it out there to the public on Facebook, on Twitter, on blogs-- anywhere the public congregates, so does Middle Media.

The diverse voices that make up Middle Media are knowledgeable and enthusiastic and ready to change the world. They're the kind of voices you want reporting on the news.

Ukraine's Middle Media is expanding and improving thanks to MediaNext and forward-thinkers like David Brewer. The Ukrainian people are craving news they can rely on-- news that they have decided is important- whenever and wherever they want it. Middle Media is satisfying that need.

Traditional media forms might not be dead yet, but they will indisputably need to modify the way they do their job if they are to survive in an era where Middle Media is always ready to jump in and take on the tough issues traditional media has ignored and which are important to the public.

Middle Media.
Remember that term because you'll be hearing it more and more.

If you'd like to read more about what David Brewer has to say about Middle Media, check out his article on it.

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