Can new media change the fundamental structure of our society?
The MediaNext team thinks it can.
The possibilities of new media are absolutely endless! Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and blogs aren't just for teenagers planning parties anymore! MediaNext is at the forefront of a fundamental transformation in journalism.
So what is MediaNext? At Internews Ukraine we call it a project with soul. We're creating a whole community of journalists who are paving the way for Ukraine into the future of media.
We're bringing together professional journalists and editors, civil journalists and media activists, bloggers, NGO leaders, and journalism students from across Ukraine - all with new-media in mind!
Ukrainian journalists who participate in the MediaNext program receive training on the latest social media techniques, hear inspiring guest speakers (we've already heard from David Brewer and Piet Bakker), and learn from each others experiences.
And it's working! Participants have gone on to create online versions of their newspapers and created flash mob events using new media. Essentially, these innovative journalists are ushering the entire Ukrainian media sphere into a new era!
The initiative is proving that we can indeed shape the structure of society through the use of new media. And along the way, we're showing how everyday Ukrainian people can decide what should be considered important to the media.
Excited yet? We are.
Stick around because there will be updates and news of MediaNext programs
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